
Deep Connection, Analysis + Problem Solving


Days 1-5
(5-7 day duration)

Perfect World:

Begins with the New Moon

ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) considers menstruation to be the 5th vital sign.

Meaning that your entire cycle is an indicator of your state of health.

Hormonal Journey

Hormonal Birth Control, Hysterectomy, Perimenopause, Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Non-Medically Transitioning, Menopause, Post Menopause

Hormonal Birth Control:

Begin with your period.

Hormonal Birth control suppresses the hormones of all 4 Phases.

Hysterectomy or Perimenopausal:

Begin during the end of your PMS symptoms (migraines, cramps possibly) or when your period starts if you are still having menses. Overtime as hormone levels lower in your body, transition to starting this phase on the New Moon or follow your intuition/biofeedback.

Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy + Hormone Replacement Therapy:

Begin on the New Moon or when the later PMS/PMDD symptoms like Migraines, Nausea + Diarrhea begin.

Non-Medically Transitioning, Menopausal or Post Menopausal:

Begin on the New Moon.


Low BBT + Low Hormones

Lower temperatures on a body basal temperature chart.

All hormones are at their lowest.

The uterine lining is being shed.


Deep Connection, Analysis + Problem Solving

"Deep Connection, Analysis + Problem Solving"

Blue Time

Hormone levels are at their lowest. Utterly normal to feel down.

Analytical + Feeling Connect

Estrogen + progesterone levels beginning to rise affect the brain to communicate optimally between the right + the left hemispheres: analytical + feeling.

Meaning that self analysis + life course correction will be strong now. This is a great time to synthesize how you feel about a situation with the facts + then how you wish to move forward.


Ideal moment to dig into reports, editing, data or financials for analysis.


Inflammation, Chronic Illness, Migraines, Oily hair/Skin, Pooping + Smell

Inflammation + Chronic Illness

In the few days preceding + throughout menstruation you are more likely to experience negative or worsening of symptoms from chronic health conditions, such as asthma or arthritis, as your inflammatory responses return with increased levels of a hormone-acting lipid called prostaglandin.


Migraines may be more prevalent now due to Estrogen levels or lower Iron levels. if you get migraines after your period finishes, that is a sign of low iron. if you get migraines during your period that is a sign of estrogen dominance.

Low Iron migraine: replenish with iron foods (+ Vitamin C foods for absorption), especially during your period.

Estrogen Dominance migraine: avoid inflammatory foods, while eating vitamin B rich foods in the luteal phase. This is what has aided my estrogen dominant menstrual cycle migraines a tonne - close to nil now.

Oilier Skin + Possible Acne

In one study, womxn noticed oilier skin + hair. Acne may also be prevalent.

Easy Bowel Movements

During menstruation, some bodies produce more Prostaglandins than it needs, which enters the bloodstream + effects other smooth muscles in your body - bowels. To be frank, the result is easier pooping.

Sense Of Smell

Sense of smell could be heightened now, so you could perceive your body odor to be stronger. *conflicting data*

Changing Uterus Size

Uterus size can shift every month with your period. freaking wild. in addition, with every pregnancy including miscarriagE, the uterus will enlarge slightly + stay that way.

Cervical Mucus

You Will Not Notice


Blood flow covers your mucus, so you will not notice any.

Heads up: sperm can stay alive up to 5 days in the vagina/uterus, so it is possible to be fertile + get pregnant while on your period, depending on where your ovulation falls.

Menstrual Blood

Black, Purple, Dark Red, Bright Red, Pink, Orange, Gray, Spotting + Clots


The colour of your menstrual blood can tell you a lot about your hormonal health.

Menstrual Blood can change in color + texture from month to month or even during a single period. Hormonal changes, as well as diet, lifestyle, age + environment, can all cause variations in period blood.

Below is a mixture of traditional, TCM + holistic medical views on menstrual blood colours.


Black blood can appear at the beginning or end of a person’s period. The color is typically a sign of old blood or blood that has taken longer to leave the uterus + has had time to oxidize - brown or dark red to black.

Black blood can sometimes also indicate a blockage inside a person’s vagina. Other symptoms of a vaginal blockage can include:

foul-smelling discharge


difficulty urinating

itching or swelling in or around the vagina


Like black blood, brown is a sign of old blood + it may appear at the beginning or the end of a period. Brown has not had as long to oxidize as black blood + can appear in a variety of shades.

Many hormonal holistic physicians say that brown indicates low progesterone + a possible history of endometriosis + fibroids.

Brown blood or spotting can sometimes also be an early sign of pregnancy that doctors refer to as implantation bleeding.

Brown discharge or spotting during pregnancy can indicate a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy, which is when the fertilized egg implants in a fallopian tube instead of the uterus.

It is important for women who experience spotting or vaginal bleeding during pregnancy to speak to their doctor or obstetrician.


Purple blood is often thick + syrupy accompanied by an painful period. This can indicate an excess of estrogen + possibly a history of endometriosis + fibroids.


Dark red blood like cherry juice is considered healthy by many hormonal holistic physicians. May also indicate stagnant liver Qi.


Bright red blood indicates fresh blood + a steady flow. A period may start with bright red bleeding + darken towards the end of the period. Some people may find that their blood stays bright red throughout their period.


Pink blood or spotting can occur when period blood mixes with cervical fluid. This is often a period of 4 days or less. Light pink blood can also indicate low or a deficiency in estrogen + a deficiency in spleen Qi.

Using hormonal birth control can lower estrogen levels in the body, which can lead to a lighter flow with a pinkish hue during periods.

Sexual intercourse can create small tears in the vagina or the cervix. Blood from these tears can mix with vaginal fluids + exit a person’s body as pink discharge.

Other causes of pink period blood can include:

significant weight loss

unhealthful diet



Blood that mixes with cervical fluid can also appear orange.

Orange blood or discharge often indicates an infection, such as bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis. People with orange blood should check for other telltale symptoms, such as vaginal itching, discomfort, and foul-smelling discharge.

Although orange period blood or discharge does not always indicate an infection, it is a good idea to see a doctor or a gynecologist for an evaluation.


Gray discharge is usually a sign of bacterial vaginosis, a condition that occurs due to an imbalance between beneficial + harmful bacteria in the vagina.

Other symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include:

itching in + around the vagina

foul-smelling vaginal odor that people often describe as “fishy”

burning or painful urination


Unusual spotting or bleeding between menstrual cycles may be a sign of a sexually transmitted infection, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. Growths in the uterine lining, called polyps or fibroids, can also cause unusually heavy bleeding.

Rarely, bright red bleeding may be a sign of cervical cancer. Other symptoms of cervical cancer include:

heavier periods

periods that last longer than normal

bleeding after sexual intercourse

foul-smelling vaginal discharge

pain in the lower back, pelvis, or legs

loss of appetite

unexplained weight loss


Healthy period blood can contain visible pieces of the uterine lining. These small pieces of tissue, or clots, in the blood are not a cause for concern.

However, very heavy bleeding or large clots can be a sign of menorrhagia - when a person has unusually heavy menstrual bleeding or periods that last for more than 7 days.

The CDC recommend seeing a doctor if you have one of the following:

bleeding that requires you to change a tampon or pad after less than 2 hours

blood with clots that are the size of a quarter or bigger

Causes of menorrhagia:

growths on the uterus, such as uterine fibroids or polyps

hormonal imbalances

pelvic inflammatory disease

intrauterine birth control devices (IUD)

bleeding disorders, such as von Willebrand disease

certain medications, such as aspirin + anticoagulants

cervical or uterine cancer


new or unusual vaginal discharge

irregular periods that change in length + flow from one month to the next

bleeding after menopause

missing three or more periods

foul-smelling vaginal odor

thick gray or white vaginal discharge

itching in or around the vagina


Anyone who is pregnant + notices any bleeding or unusual vaginal discharge should speak with their doctor or obstetrician immediately.

Adrenal Support

Very Gentle/Introspective + Warm Snacks

Book-end Your Days

To aid the body + the brain in realising it is 'safe' (lessen cortisol production, which then affects reproductive hormones aggravating PMS): bookend your days.

Begin your day with something that makes you happy to ground you.

Wrap up your day with something that brings you joy to ground you, again.

Follow your intuition/biofeedback + choose a very gentle/introspective activity that resonates with you for 10-15min.

Begin Day Ideas

Breath Meditation in Bed

Write Mantra, Stick on Mirror + Say

Stretch however your body wishes, but hip openers + heart openers will feel divine

Before Bed Ideas

Write Gratitude List - at least 3

Journal in Bubble or Salt Bath



Stewed Blueberries with Pumpkin Seeds

Roasted Chestnut + Dulse Salad

Roasted Beets w/ Kidney Bean Hummus (made w/ pumpkin seed butter)

Warm Black Turtle Bean w/ Wild Rice


Winter: IRON, Add Nutrients, Warmth + Comfort

Cook Soups + Stews.

Stick to heated foods during Menstruation phase as that makes the micronutrients more bioavailable to your body, allowing easier absorption to counteract symptoms from increased prostaglandin levels.

IRON: Restorative to Blood + Kidneys

Many of these foods are restorative for your blood + your kidneys, which is important as iron deficiency is almost across the board for every single menstruater.

Replenish iron stores now with foods to decrease Iron Deficiency Symptoms including: post period migraines, thinning hair, hair loss, brittle/peeling nails, restless leg syndrome, pica, tinnitus, decreased memory, decreased physical performance + possible future osteoporosis. Personally, a 2020 study sharing iron treatment results excites me as I have had tinnitus since childhood + I have never really liked meat - stay tuned as i continue to lab rat myself…

Many hormonal balancing holistic practitioners use TCM seasonal eating as it echoes the 4 phases of the menstrual cycle. I am sharing the same list here with additional anti-inflammatory hormonal phase specific foods.

Iron foods to replenish stores (from Solid Starts):

HEME: bison, eggs, duck, fish, haddock, liver, mackerel (canned), oysters, poultry, sardine, salmon, venison

NON-HEME (EAT WITH VITAMIN C FOOD): almonds, almond butter, beans++++ (black, black-eyed peas, black turtle, cannellini, kidney, lima, pinto, navy + soy), cashews, cashew butter, chickpea++++, edamame, hazelnut butter, hemp seeds, lentils++++, macademia, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seed butter, sesame seeds, tahini, tofu++++, baked potato, broccoli, leafy greens (chard, collards, kale, mustard leaf, etc), green peas, mushrooms, spinach, dried fruit (apricot, raisins), strawberry, kelp*, nori*, oatmeal, quinoa, cacao powder, dark chocolate 70% or over

Vitamin C foods for max absorption of non-heme iron (from Solid Starts):

bell peppers, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, kale, peas, potato, purple potato, spinach, squash, tomato, applesauce, apricot, blueberries, cantaloupe, cherries, citrus fruits (cara cara, celementine, grapefruit, lemon, lime, orange, pomello), kiwi, mango, papaya, passionfruit, pineapple, plums, raspberries, strawberry

Additional support foods:

congee, glutinous rice, rice, wild rice

All Veggies, esp root veg: beet, carrot, garlic, onion, parsnip, sweet potato, yam, etc

plus: asparagus, bamboo shoot, black fungus, celery, Chinese yam, leeks, lettuce, potato, radish leaves

Low Glycemic Index Fruits: apples, pears, berries, cherries, nectarine, peach, pear, plums

plus: dates, dried prunes, longan, grapes

protein (denser nutrient profile): bison, duck, goose, legumes++++, rabbit, seafood*, plant based protein powders (soy + pea ++++)

nuts, nut butter

seeds: chia, hemp

unsweetened fortified plant-based milks++++
pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seed butter
flax seeds
flax seed oil (organic, cold pressed)++
activated brown rice, quinoa, millet, hops
millet - based cereals, wheat germ
ginger, miso, tamari, turmeric w/ fresh ground pepper**
ginger tea
chamomile tea
peppermint tea***

*remineralise body with Iron + Zinc
**anti-inflammatory; body requires fresh ground black pepper to utilise turmeric (curcumin)
***ease cramps, nausea + diarrhea
+ keeps blood sugar steady to alleviate hormonal low

++ great omega 3 source, but never use heated as that changes chemical structure - develops dangerous compounds

+++due to low estrogen, now is a good time to eat soy based products, beans + lentils as they are all phytoestrogens.

++++eat with fiber + cruciferous vegetable - read more on PMS SUPPORT.



Metabolism is currently high. Additional 270 calories needed per day. IF You restrict calories at this time, it causes your body to turn on starvation mode where it will store fat for survival.

I have been debating how to share this information as I am an eating disorder survivor + this triggers me, but I do want you to know the science behind why you are eating the denser foods listed above, so that you can make an informed decision of how best to support your own biology.


Phase 1

Traditionally begins at New Moon.
Phase 1

Thought* to support the estrogen-dominant follicular phase when the ovaries increase estrogen levels in the body.

Put in smoothie on salads, coconut yogurt, whatever.

1-2 TBSP/day Pumpkin Seeds, raw + ground
1-2 TBSP/day Flax Seeds, raw + ground

*Mixed data; most results have been anecdotal in the hormonal balance community - hormonal acne cleared. That said, all seeds are great for a multitude of nutritional reasons irregardless of gender.

NB I purchase bulk organic pumpkin seed protein powder + grind my own flax seeds to then store in my freezer for use as needed. Seeds will go rancid otherwise + I like to use my money as economically as possible.

Supplements + Herbs

Magnesium, B Vitamins + Agnus Castus

Supplements + Herbs

Magnesium oil spray: for cramps + migraines

Methylated B vitamins: for breast tenderness, cramps + migraines
Agnus Castus: for many PMS symptoms




Honour your inner needs.

Cervix is Low

Firm like the end of your nose + closed. Perfect time to measure for a menstrual cup, by the way.

For more comfortable positioning for penetrative vaginal sex with a low cervix look at Luteal Sex + 2nd tri Post Partum Sex.

Orgasms as Pain-Reliever

The uterus is causing pressure on your pelvis, hence some womxn feel turned on during menstruation. Plus, Some womxn report orgasms easing cramp pain.

0 Interest in sex

Hormonal lowest point during the cycle. Some womxn report they could care less about sex during this phase.

DO YOU. Literally. Or not ; ).

Heightened Pain Reception

If pain for pleasure is something that turns you on, the menstrual phase will heighten your pain reception.

Use Lube

Use lube if you do have penetrative vaginal sex. Menstrual blood is misconceived as being ‘slippery’ when it is actually drying for your skin. Treat your vaginal canal with care + use lube. See Ovulation Sex for my fave DIY Lube.


by ceritifed sex coach, myisha Battle.

Masturbate, solo or with a partner: Sometimes penetration is just too much sensation during your period. Get out your vibrator + play around with whichever pulses/speeds feel best. spend some time on other erogenous zones before heading straight for your clitoris. You may surprise yourself.

Spooning: This is a low-impact position for period sex because you can stay in a cozy, almost-fetal position while having some more control over the depth of penetration to avoid your cervix being touched. By adjusting the angle of your upper body you can figure out which spots feel good. 

Cowgirl: If you are someone who gets turned on by period sex: you get on top. This allows you to channel that energy while also maintaining some control over speed + depth of penetration. Play around, tilting your hips at different angles. You can also try this position without penetration. Lube up + enjoy some genital-to-genital stimulation. 

Octopus: In this position, both partners sit. Have your partner wrap their hands + legs around you from behind. your partner can give you an intimate embrace + a little manual stimulation at the same time. oui, svp.


Gentle + Analytical.

Energy will be at your lowest, but gentle movement may feel really good near the end.

Eat Iron rich foods.

Day 1: No Movement

Usually heavy bleeding. Rest. Literally. This will aid your adrenals + cortisol levels.

Day 2-3: Very Gentle

Cortisol levels are naturally high + iron stores are depleted from bleeding, so Take it nice + slow with mindful movement/nutrition. Allonge + Classique Yin.

Day 4-5/7: Can Add More Movement

Nearing the end of your period, you may feel good by adding more movement. Continue with Allonge + Classique Yin, plus add in the more active Classique.

Classique Yin, Classique + Allonge were created to gently move your body while it is at an energetic low with naturally high cortisol levels.


101s are perfect for your analytical brain right now in order to take the work deeper - even if you are simply watching the video. But please on your first bleed day do nothing - do not even watch the 101s. Our society is obsessed with productivity, I am giving you permission to not do a thing + focus on recharging as that will actually help your body in the long run.

Eat Iron Rich Foods

If you choose to move now, it is imperative to eat iron rich foods to increase physical performance/avoid injury. Lack of iron decreases athletic performance, impairs immune function + leads to other physiologic dysfunction - look under nutrition above for more info.

One study showed that daily consumption of a single meat-containing meal was sufficient to maintain ferritin levels while doing dance cardio. (Plant-based individuals, like moi, can do similar, simply takes a bit more work.) By the way, please do not do dance cardio on your period. I share the above information, so that you may make an informed choice regarding the importance of consuming iron + your physicality.


Your cortisol levels are naturally high right now, so doing intense exercise like running, cycling or HIIT during your menstrual phase can cause your body to raise your cortisol levels even more, which turns on your survival mode of storing fat. You will simply burn out energetically.

Again, I have been debating how to share this information as i am an eating disorder survivor + this triggers me, but i do want you to know the science behind why THE ABOVE VIDEOS ARE SUGGESTED so THAT you can make an informed decision of how best to support your own biology.

NB I am not an endocrinologist nor a nutritionist nor a psychologist, I am a nerd. Please use the above info at your own discretion.

Never disregard seeking professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen here.