Cycle Sync

Function in Harmony


Taking your health into your own hands: BRAVO.

Cycle Sync Table of Contents

Click on a cycle phase BELOW + follow a month Movement Plan.

Find out in detail what is happening in your brain/body, how to function in harmony + access those specific videos.

*Pregnant Birthers do not cycle sync. Post Partum Birthers wait to have 3 menstrual cycles before beginning to cycle sync.*


Complimentary Cycle Sync Month Plans

CS Beginner Plan

CS Intermediate Plan

CS Advanced Plan

Aligning your mental + your physical health

with your infradian rhythm/menstrual cycle,

results in harmonious function.

28 Day Cycle Framework

below is a framework for a 28 day cycle:

Menstrual days 1-5

Follicular days 6-12

Ovulation days 13-15

Luteal days 16-28

Your body is unique, Beautiful Beast.

adjust to make it work for YOU.

*If your period is 8 days in length, adjust your Follicular movement to start day 9. Or if you know you ovulate 12 days after the first day of your period (like moi), adjust your Luteal movement to begin day 13.

Listen to your Body.

Honour Your Needs.

Body Literacy.


Learning to follow the ebbs + the flows of your cycle (infradian rhythm), is one of the first steps towards body literacy - empowerment.

I realise that adjusting yourself 4 Times a month may sound daunting at first, so start small.

Perhaps for the first 2 weeks: just Adrenal Support Book-ends. Then for the following 2 weeks: add in movement to support your phase.

Then the next month: add in iron + Vit B foods, followed by cervix comfortable sex positions, Etc.

After 3 months of getting into the groove, it will become second nature because you will feel great + want more.

Find Your Phases

Not sure how to figure out your phases?

Discover your Ovulation date to make an educated guess of where your other phases fall.

1. Sometime after your period stops, estrogen + testosterone levels rise just before your ovary ovulates, meaning peak desire or "horniness". Once that feeling passes, you will ovulate + then be in your Luteal phase.

2. Use a thermometer to track your BBT (Basal Body temperature first) thing in the morning for a month or few. As in roll over, pop thermometer under your tongue + do not move. A pattern will emerge - bBT rises (a few degrees) as you Ovulate. The day before ovulation, your temperature will drop slightly and then your luTeinIzng hormone increases which affects your temperature to rise even higher (38-39 degrees) in the following days. As soon as your temperature rises after that slight dip, you have already ovulated and you are then in your luteal phase.

3. Check your cervical mucous. Put 2 clean fingers into your vagina. Remove + rub together with your thumb. If the consistency of your discharge is wet, stretchy + slippery like raw egg whites, you are at your most fertile + about to ovulate. After ovulation, your cervical mucus goes back to thick + dry in your Luteal phase.

4. This one blows my mind: cervixes change postion during the cycle. right before ovulation, Your cervix will be higher than usual - will feel softer (akin to your earlobe) + slightly open. When you are not fertile (Luteal phase), it closes up - feels lower, firmer drier.

5. Combine all four. IE I really wanted sex the past 2 days, my cerival mucous is egg white consistency, my cervix is higher + softer/open + my temp dipped lower yestErday, so I will be in my Luteal phase tomorrow.

* Functional Medicine practitioner: Dr. Brighton for more info.

Grateful for Trailblazers

This continuing holistic direction of La Technique was inspired by Alisa Vitti, Jolene Brighton, Lara Briden + Maisie Hill.

Their extensive knowledge/work with menstruaters’ hormones is stellar. They lit my fire during my maternity leave to seriously research. Learning how I, too, can best support menstruaters’ + womxn’s hormones with La Technique movements alongside nutrition, supplements + bio hacking has been mindblowing.

I am grateful for them paving the way with bright minds. And, I am still researching when time allows as a new mama.

NB Read their books - link in RESOURCES, plus all the scholarly papers/articles, other books + podcasts.

Menstruaters’ + Womxn's bodies are MAGIC.