You Deserve Kindness



7 hrs at least

7 hrs

We all need it. Try to get at least 7hrs/day as this assists in stabilizing cortisol levels, which then affect reproductive hormones positively.

In addition, womxn with an active infradian rhythm have a brain download + reset each day, which requires about 20min more of sleep than mxn. If you have a male identitying partner, ask him/they to have a vibrating alarm clock or go to sleep before they do.

Plus, during menstrual + luteal phases, womxn require 20min more sleep. Plan to go to sleep 20min earlier than usual.

To help get those Zzzzzzs:

  1. Your body + brain requireMENTS shift 4 times a month. to help tell your brain/Body that you are safe + okay, Create a night time routine for all 4. Look Under Adrenal Support on each phase for specific info.

  2. Food for thought, one researcher had said that if you like watching violent, suspenseful or conflict material before bed, the body can sometimes take this stress on as it's own - WILD. So, turn off Squid Game (so pandemic dated) + find something else to aid your adrenals to calm down. To be honest, I am still trying to find this study, but it cannot hurt to incorporate.

NB When we are in sleep deficit our brains do not function at an optimal level + this can throw our hormones out of whack - cortisol rises, which then affects reproductive hormones negatively.

FYI study showed that driving while sleep deprived is worse than driving while under the influence of alcohol. Our reaction times are slower when we are not rested. Sobering for this lady.

*PSA on Melatonin

I could not sleep. GF recommended Melatonin. I followed the pharmacist's directions to a T + ended up with my own hormones completely messed up which resulted in chronic urticaria + chronic edema. For almost a year. Total nightmare. Melatonin, though marketed as 'natural’ is often collected from animal hormones. After my body's mass confusion, I UTTERLY DO NOT RECCOMMEND taking MELATONIN.

Additional Nutrition

Balance Blood Sugar, Phytoestrogen, Organic + Avoid inflammatory foods/plastics

I am not a nutritionist nor a dietician.

My official certification:

Practical Nutrition for Sports Medicine and Fitness Professionals

Balance Blood Sugar

Protein, Fat, Fibre + Carbohydrate at every meal. including snacks. Eating in this way aids the adrenals to function better because stress on the body is less when blood sugar is balanced - less cortisol production equals diminished PMS. see each phase for specific info.

NB If you are a carb fiEnd, like moi, reach for a protein/fat to accompany. That small adjustment aids my PMS sugar/salt cravings.

Phytoestrogen, Cruciferous + Fiber

General health tip here.

There is sometimes a worry regarding eating too many legumes or pulses as they are phytoestrogens - mimic estrogen in the body which has been thought to be connected to breast cancer. This is especially a concern if one is estrogen dominant as we are trying to flush excess estrogen out of the body, so listen intently to your biofeedback + perhaps only eat during Menstrual + Follicular phases.

BUT, plant-based eaters you can rejoice as you can still eat this pulse protein while doing a cycle sync: if you eat cruciferous vegetables + fiber along with your phytoestrogens. Doing this helps to decrease the circulation of the harmful C-16 estrogen metabolite. Eating pulses in this way also helps to decrease DNA damage + tumor formation characteristic of breast cancer. Added bonus: the properties of phytoestrogens, high fiber foods + cruciferous vegetables make consuming them an invaluable must in breast health + breast cancer prevention. So friggin’ cool.

Eat organic.

Organic produce reduces the amount of chemicals entering your body from artificial fertilizers, sprays + pesticides. Though to be honest, studies are mixed on this. If your pocketbook allows, go for it as it protects those from being sprayed in the fields.

If you can’t buy organic, fresh foods are still a much better choice than processed foods.*

*Dairy, Red Meat, Wheat, Sugar, Caffeine + alcohol cause inflammation in the body which results in exacerbating PMS symptoms. Pay attention to your body/symptoms when you eat the aforementioned foods.

Calcium + Iron

Worried about certain nutrients by not consuming red meat or dairy? pea milk + Broccoli are sTupid high in calcium. Pumpkin seeds are ridiculously high in iron, just to name a few. Yes, I am a plant-based advocate for diminishing body inflammation, but I will leave that choice up to you.

Use Glass Storage Containers

Avoid use of plastics as they are endocrine disruptors - affect hormones into imbalance. Never microwave in plastic tupperware or place hot food in plastic tupperware.

Additional Supplements + Vitamins

Evening Primrose Oil, Maca, Omega 3, Prenatal Multi-Vitamin + Epsom Salt Baths

Evening Primrose oil: daily for entire cycle; linoleic acid promotes prostaglandin synthesis which alleviates PMS.

Maca: Daily for entire cycle 1-3 tsp. Balances hormone levels, helping women with conditions like PMS, PCOS + estrogen dominance, as well as improve fertility, libido + stress management. Great for mxn, too.

Omega 3 (400mg DHA): daily for entire cycle; appears that omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the psychiatric symptoms of PMS including depression, nervousness, anxiety + lack of concentration; may also reduce the symptoms bloating, headache + breast tenderness.

Prenatal Multi-Vitamin: daily for entire cycle, if you are low on iron. I take this for iron + also to get my full B12 as I am plant based - my preferred brand. Take first thing in the am on an empty stomach, so nothing interferes with the iron absorption. Wait at least an hour before other meds. If you feel nauseous, my pharmacist suggested eating a cracker, but truly not to if I could handle it.

Epsom Salts: Take 15min Epsom Salt Bath daily, if you can, as this will help to gently replenish magnesium in your body, especially if you are post partum. We all need magnesium to sleep.

Sore Breasts, Migraines, Cramps, etc

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds have become my little miracle worker during my luteal phase 1st half.

If you suffer from Estrogen Dominancy: sore breasts, cramping, migraines + mood swings consider adding chia seeds to your daily intake of nutritional needs.

CHIA SEEDS are an EFA (essential fatty acid), protein, fiber + fat. They can also help to flush out excess estrogen by aiding voiding.

Why is that important? Progesterone naturally elevates after ovulation which can cause constipation. In addition, prostaglandins naturally decrease after menstruation which can also cause constipation. The longer excess estrogen stays in the body during the Luteal phase 1st half, the worse your upcoming PMS will be. 

As a side note, this is wonderful for plant-based people as most protein options are phytoestrogens which increase estrogen levels, unfortunately. Personally, I eat phytoestrogens for my entire cycle + then incorporate the chia seed addition once my luteal phase 1st half begins.

Starting day 1 of your Luteal phase 1st half, Mix:

1 tbsp chia seeds in plant-based yogurt (dairy causes inflammation - PMS exacerbater)

let it sit for 15 minutes before consuming


1 tbsp chia seeds in 250ml H2O

Let it sit for 15 minutes before consuming - texture is off-putting for some

ground seeds are best for bioavailability.

take every eday during ENTIRE luteal phase - 1st + 2nd halves.

my hope for you: Enjoy a pain-free period.

Moon Teas

Stress + Anxiety, Pain, Cycle Wellness, PMS + Menopause


Mix below dry ingredients for each recipe + store in a jar.

Steep 1 TBSP per 250ml H2O.

++Do not drink any of the below recipes if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.++

Tea for Stress + Anxiety

(Our Hummingway)

3 TBSP chamomile - which helps nourish the body + calm the nervous system

2 TBSP raspberry leaf - tones uterus

1 TBSP nettle leaf - Iron to support thyroid

1 TBSP dandelion - supports liver


Tea for Period Pain

(Somedays: Raspberry Relief)

2 TBSP raspberry leaf

1 TBSP nettle leaf

1 TBSP ginger - anti-inflammatory

1/2 TBSP cacao nibs - can lower level of cortisol

1/2 TBSP crampbark - muscle relaxer

1/2 TBSP skullcap - reduce anxiety, soothe the nervous system, lower inflammation, balance hormones + regulate sleep


Tea for Healthy Cycle, Wellness + Mood

(Jenny McGruther)

¼ cup dried hibiscus flowers - reduce anxiety + irritability

2 TBSP ginkgo leaves - redUces memory lapses, but phytoestrogen, so omit if already high in estrogen

2 TBSP red raspberry leaf

2 TBSP lemon balm - alleviate menstrual cramps + aid cognition

2" knob dried ginger, coarsely chopped or grate 1/4 tsp in fresh cup


Tea for PMS


3 TBSP hibiscus

2 TBSP rosehips - adaptogenic: help restore hormonal balance in the body + anti-inflammatory

1 TBSP rose petals - bloating, cramps, headaches, nausea + helpS regulate hormone

1 TBSP ginger

1/2 TBSP chamomile

1/2 TBSP raspberry leaves

1/2 TBSP dandelion leaves


Tea for PMS or Menopause

(Valerie Gennari Cooksley, R.N.)

6 TBSP raspberry leaves

4 TBSP chamomile fresh edible flowers

2 TBSP rose petals

1" knob dried ginger, coarsely chopped or grate 1/4 tsp in cup

1 TBSP licorice root - anti-inflammatory, reduce cramps + diarrhea. But can interfer with estrogen production (fertility) if, TTC.

1 TBSP rosemary - detox estrogen in liver + memory aid

Additional Moon Teas

Lemon Balm + Chasteberry

Additional Herbal Teas

Lemon Balm: for boosting cognitive performance + concentration.

Chasteberry: for fluid retention. Traditionally this herb is used through days 14-21 of your menstrual cycle, but many people find benefits using it all month long.

Follicular Dehydration Help

Water, Salt + Carbohydrate

Follicular Dehydration Electrolyte Mix

1 oz unsweetened citrus juice (or juice, but that will be higher on Glycemic scale)

Good pinch of sea salt

• mix in 1L water bottle + add water to fill.

• if you chug: drink 500ml + stay close to the loo as a bladder generally can hold a max of 500ml at a time.

The body requires salt to process H2O. The intestine cannot process the salt or use the water without a carbohydrate. We need all 3.

NB drink after 60+ min of intense exercise. Or I sip during endurance training runs - every 15min or so. Processed gatorade type drinks are a huge waste of money, in my opinion.

For movement under 60min, drink 1-4oz of water every 15min of intense exercise - breastfeeding womxn, drink 1-4oz water every 15min of exercise no matter how intense.

Massage Oils

Essential Oils + Placebo Effect

Cramps, Bloating, Pain Relief + Relaxation


Personally, I am conflicted on essential oil efficacy, but I definitely like + use myself.

Scientific studies suggest that peppermint is the only proven essential oil that works - mental alertness.

That said, other studies have shown that if an individual is either told an oil will have 'X' result, then that person will feel the corresponding expected result. Also, and this amazes me, other studies have shown that when an individual has been told that what they are given is a placebo for 'X’ symptom and then use it, they actually have fantastic results of dissipating or even erradicating symptom 'X’. CRAZY.

So, as always, use the below Recipes at your own discretion.

Blend for Cramps + Bloating

(inspired by Our Hummingway patches)

5 ml Broad Spectrum CBD DISTILLATE

  • reduces cortisol (stress), aids sleep + suppresses estrogen *THC free CBD is another option, too.

5 drops Lemongrass Essential Oil ( Cymbopogon flexuosus)

  • helps with cortisol levels by relieving anxiety

5 drops Vitamin E (D-alpha tocopherol)

  • helps reduce the negative impacts of excess estrogen

5 drops Chinese Ginger Essential Oil (Zingiber officinale roscoe)

  • facilitates the elimination of toxins, soothes aches + reduces inflammation

5 drops Black Pepper Essential Oil (Piper nigrum L.)

  • endocrine system health

2 drops peppermint Essential Oil

  • impacts mood (emotional healing), which in turn can help keep those hormones stable + headaches

    use organic cold pressed essential oils. brand I personally prefer + use.

mix into 2TBSP carrier oil (jojoba, sweet almond, fractionated coconut or coconut) + store in dark glass bottle in the fridge.

• gently massage on abdomen over each ovary - night before period or first day of menstruation or whenever you need.


• mix into carrier oil + store in dark glass bottle in the fridge.

• soak 2 organic cotton/bamboo pads with the mix + place over ovaries.

• place plastic wrap on top with a tea towel + a hot water bottle or heating pad for 15-30min.

++ do not attempt if there is a chance of pregnancy++

For Pain Relief + Relaxation

(Woolies recipe)

4 drops Clary Sage organic essential oil

  • helps balance out estrogen levels + ensures the long-term health of the uterus

3 drops Lavender organic essential oil

  • help keep cortisol levels stable while calming your body/mind + supporting your libido.

2 drops rose organic essential oil

  • balances testosterone levels

2 tablespoons carrier oil (jojoba, almond, fractionated coconut - less grease or coconut)

• Combine all.

• Apply some of this oil onto your lower abdomen + lower back.

• Gently massage it in for pain relief + relaxation

• optional: place plastic wrap on top with a tea towel + a hot water bottle or heating pad for 15-30min.

++ do not attempt if there is a chance of pregnancy++

Additional Essential Oil Uses

Anxiety, Low Mood, Nausea +PMS Relief

Bath for Anxiety or Low Mood

(Woolies recipe)

1 cup Epsom Salts

2 drops Lavender organic essential oil

2 drops Clary Sage organic essential oil

For Nausea

(Woolies recommendation)

2 drops of Peppermint organic essential oil

1 tsp carrier oil (jojoba, almond, fractionated coconut or coconut)

• combine + rub directly to the back of your neck.

• breathe deeply.

be sure to wash your hands immediately afterwards so that you do not accidentally rub into your eye.

NB could feel energised as well - personally, I have used this essential oil in my water to keep me awake during late night shoots instead of coffee.


(Natural Living Family recipe)

33 drops of lavender essential oil

17 drops of clary sage essential oil

50 drops of marjoram essential oil

  • Restore hormonal balance + regulate menstrual cycle

• Combine + store in a dark glass 5ml bottle.

• use around 10 drops of this mixture in a tablespoon of liquid castle soap + add to your bath water.


• combine 2 cups Epsom salts, 1 cup pure sea salt, 1/4 cup carrier oil + 30 drops of this mixture.

• mix well + store in an airtight jar.

• use 1/4 mixture for a bath.


• add 6 drops of the PMS Relief Blend to 2 teaspoons of a carrier oil

• massage over the abdomen, lower back, feet + ankles.


My Personal Go-Tos

Products put on the skin are absorbed + can affect hormonal balance.

Personally, I use + promote products that do not mess with my hormone function. I have absolutely 0 affiliation with any of these companies, except for one as she is a MTL based womxn-owned company. I share this information as it took me months to sort out my health when I got sick with chronic urticaria (hives) + chronic edema (swelling), so it feels good to help others.

After years of spending easily $3000+/year just on face skincare, I had to cut everything when I got sick. Through trial + error, I now keep it simple. It works for my skin + my body - I function better. Plus, I now spend maybe $1000/year on face skincare. Crazy. Bottom line, do what works for you.

The below list contains 1 affiliate link.

Soap for face + body + hands

(I use on our babe as well):

Dr Bronner's 18-in-1 Baby Unscented Soap

Penny Lane Organics Baby Unscented Soap

Face Refresher:

Leven Rose Organic Rose Water

Face Serum:

Skinceuticals CE Ferulic- safe for breastfeeding + pregnancy

Glycolic Acid - safe for breastfeeding + pregnancy

Face Moisturiser

(I use a combo of all 3 on my face, growing bump/healing stomach, hips + tush):

Leven Rose Organic Rose Hip Oil

Leven Rose Organic Vitamin E Serum

Leven Rose Organic Pomegranate Seed Oil


Skinceuticals SPF Fusion 50 - safe for breastfeeding + pregnancy; though it does have a light skin-tone tint

THINKbaby SPF 50 - safe for breastfeeding, Pregnancy + Toddlers; very greasy + whitecast

Body Moisturiser:

Penny Lane Organics Vegetable Glycerin

Penny Lane Organics Body Moisturiser

Ps I LOVE RETINOLS, but it is contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding + TTC. I will probably use again after I am finished breastfeeding. VivierSkin makes one that is fantastic which I was a faithful user of before getting sick.

Pps Face Yoga Method is BOMB. Highly good gf noticed + thought it was botox- why yes, I have dabbled. Cannot botox while pregnant, breastfeeding or TTC. Surprisingly delighted by FYM results. Watch for second hand copies of the book as it is worth it. Here is a free workout.

Never disregard seeking professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen here.